Posted by: Manuel Palacios V. Ti´kara | October 20, 2008


Etiologically speaking Urotherapy means: Treatment utilizing our own urine . The word URO comes from the Greek that means urine and Therapy means treatment. The Urotherapy has always existed, is the oldest therapy of humanity and one of the first therapies created by God, it is older than the Chinese Medicine. One of the oldest therapies utilized by man and applied with wisdom by mystic and intuition. The Urotherapy was born in all Countries at the same time. In the Old Testament it is mentioned in Proverbs chapter 5 versus 15 thru 18th. These remedies are written in the oldest written book known as The “Gootour Schastar” from 6000 years B.C., with recopies, medications, treatments based on drinking or applying his or her urine. THE UROTHERAPY has always existed, it is a method commonly known as Urinetherapy to different cultures long times past such as the Egyptian ferrous, Tibet Lamas, Greeks and Romans. In Mexico, the Native Indians also had valued information and knowledge in regards to this type of therapy. In the European Continent, they also have stories of Greek Doctors that utilized the Urine for healing wounds. In the book No. 28 of the encyclopedia’s NATURALIS HISTORY, (Natural History) of the Roman writer, C. Plínius Secundus writes about the treatment with urine in wounds for dog bites and snakes, as well as venomous spiders, skin diseases, along with eye infections, burns and scars. .

That has existed more than 500 years from the past, and it is called ”Writings of Damar Tandra about the Shivambu Kalpa (therapy of auto-urine). Hindu version from before Christ were written in Sanskrit. It is a description of the therapeutic systems by utilizing the Urinetherapy directed by the god Shiva to the goddess Parvati. Where the god Shiva describes its benefits to his wife Parvati of this precious book that has a very interesting content of 107 verses that speaks about what happens to the human body through the years when you practice the Urinetherapy.

And states in the book… “He whoever continues with this practice for twelve years will live as much as the moon and the stars and there is no danger with animals like serpents, because no poison can kill you”. Your body will be liberated from aging and its destruction, and you will have the strength of 10,000 elephants and will free the body of all illnesses”

As in Argentina, Peru, the natives from the mountains Serrano Andina, Mapuches in Chile and other communities of the Trahumaras in México, along with areas in U.S.A. continue to practice this therapy to this days.

Now days in Mexico exist a valued verbal and written testimonies from people that had recommended this treatment for burns, such as soldiers during war time that had burns due to the gunpowder, so they applied their own urine to alleviate the pain. The NASA Astronauts and survivors from disasters such as earthquakes and shipwrecks, have saved their lives in these types cases of emergency by drinking their own urine. For stomach aches, wounds, along with bites from venomous animals or insects, grandmothers have recommended putting baby diapers on skin for the spots, and we have two books from the year’s 1514 and 1552 that stated that native Indians used there urine for healings. The first book is called:

In México, Martin de la Cruz Aztec physician from the XVl Century in 1552 in the Badiano Code makes specific references to the urine treatment.
En la curación de heridas en la cabeza se usaban: orina –para lavarla–, matlaxíhuitl –The Aztecs used to call the urine as… huitztly, they used it for the treatment of spiders and serpent’s bites, as well as any other poisonous animal or insect, along with other uses for the urine treatments.
For the hemorrhages, they applied urine with maguey secretion, also in treatment for scars. Florentin Code, lib. X, f. 113r.

Written by Fray Bernardino de Sahagún in the year 1514. He is one of the Priests that came with Hernán Cortes to México and learned from the Native Indians whom used the Urine therapy from pages 585, 585, 587, 593, 594 Cáp. XXVIII and states:
…..For the pain of the “horquilla” that usually starts in the hair, the best way is to cut the hair as short as possible and scrape it well, along with washing it with urine, then apply a plant called “Nanacae”, to remove the herb it needs to be washed with urine. ¨. ¨
…When you cut the hair it needs to be washed with urine.…to combat dandruff cut the hair very short and then wash it with urine.

… … For the illness of “ postilla” and “ sarna” that normally starts in the head area, you must use the same remedy as before adding these add ional healing agents…. following washing with urine the head area apply the avocado seed’s grounded up. Etc. Etc.

In this Century, many people have come to know this wonderful secret. Hospitals in the Unites States and Europe actually are creating several medications with the urine, along with Pharmaceutical Industries that are purchasing the urine of several people to manufacture medications, cosmetics as well as dental toothpaste.
Carmen Thomas, a German reporter states that some pharmaceutical firms have united to the “Shangay” movement. The urine is recollected in public latrines, it is sold to companies that manufacture medications by extracting the Urokinase, and then they export it.
(Published in the Newspaper “El Diario” dated 26th of April of 1996. In Guadalajara, Jalisco. México).

In 1971 in the University of Medicine of Kyoto Japan, it was discovered that the antibodies in the urine such as “interokin”, “renina” and “prostaglandin”, are important hormones used to combat infections or malign tumors.
In the Unites States, a Scientific team from Harvard University discovered several hormones from the Urine that are called “S.P.U”. and “interferón”, which are being released during the sleep time and re utilized as antibodies, anticoagulant for circulatory problems, and they act as pain relive and stimulant for the hormones. The melatonin is substance that helps with memory as well as other substances. The Urotherapy helps to improve the immunological system, which as a result brings on cures of many illnesses.

In 1992 Hayashibara Institute of Chemistry in Japan, discovered during a formal study investigation that urine had many important substances for our health such as the one called, “Interferon” that has analgesic effects and is a natural antibody.


Posted by: Manuel Palacios V. Ti´kara | October 20, 2008


It is the realization of immunologic test of a fix surface, it revels the simultaneous presence of antibodies in the blood. For the patient that has a determinate disease, at the same time you may find specific antigen in the urine. The antigen is that which the patient eliminates in his urine, it is a protein non-toxic, produced by the body itself. When a daily intake of this urine is taken, the immune system of the body reacts and “learns” to combat the external agents, along with this it is very efficient in the elimination of cancer cells.


The Antigen Urinary in the urine of the patient, being a natural protein that the body eliminates, has no risk or side effects and can be taken in combination with other natural resources, allowing us to diminish slowly the inmunosupressors and chemotherapy  medications required.
We have the ability to create our own vaccine, all the micro-organisms that infect our systems form toxins and endotoxins, and stimulates our immunologic system to form antitoxins (antidotes), which are discarded thru the urine and when we take it  we force the bacteria to take their own toxins, that is why we say “poison kills poison”.

The Urotherapy is an auto-vaccine that has the same elements of our own illness; it has an antiviral action, antineoplastic, antispasmodic, diuretic, antiallergenic, anticonvulsive, and cardiovascular stimulant, anti inflammatory, bactericide and antifungal as well.


Posted by: Manuel Palacios V. Ti´kara | July 16, 2008

BRIEF SUMMARY of THE BOOK 70 % by M. Palacios

(* The contents of the index will be entirely developed in complete book)
1. Foreword: “The sea, our mother and father” 
2. Historical aspects of the Use of the Marine Environments:
     Autotherapy and Talasotherapy 
3. Physical-chemical Composition of the marine environments:
    Basic system of Pischinger 
    Systems of organic Regulation 
4. Physiologic identity among the sanguine Plasm  and the marine Plasm. 
5. Principles of Terapeutic Action: 
     hidroelectrolyte recharge and pH  Regulation
     Functional Enzymatic balance
     Cellular regeneration and genetic memory 
6. minerals and oligoelements in the nutrition with marine Environments:
7. clinical cases of the therapy of marine Environments:
    Pediatrics, ORL, Dermatology, Supplement, etc 
8. external and internal applications
9. conclusions: The therapy “O” of the vital cycles. 
9. recommendations 
10. Annexes:  
– Uses of sea water due sweet water deficit . 
– World forum of Water, 2007 
– World Conference on Urinotherapy 
– About the importance of the Natural Medicine. 

Posted by: Manuel Palacios V. Ti´kara | July 16, 2008

Principles of Action (Extract)

Therapeutic application of external marine evironment(diluted seawater) like as intern one (filtrated plasm -urine), is based on natural cycles principle that indicates ecosystem different mechanisms regulators exist in different levels, and these mechanisms (that are more or less complexes depending on the organism) as the electrolytic regulation, pH regulation and crossing of exchanges have as purpose evironment  in good conditions and feedback with information.

Let us take as example plants. They fall their fruits, not because They don’t need them but because to complete cycle they should do it, likewise loose their leaves and these when falling break down in original substances or they transmute in others that can be absorbed. Cycle of water is another good example, and the resulting of this cycle makes possible that water captures light and electromagnetic energy and like Pasebecq writes, it maintains a constant exchange among the CO2 atmospheric and the CO2 dissolved in the seawater or in form of carbonic and bicarbonics anions.  Other example are Purifying mechanisms of marine ecosystem.  
In human being the most important vital cycle at physical level is sanguine circulation. If we summarize it: heart pumps blood for the body (through arteries) that transports oxygen and nutritious elements, it passes to liver that eliminates toxic substances that are stored or secreted by the GLAND BLADDER and they  pass in form of residual bile to intestinal tract and after the process here carried out, they are discarded in form of fecal grounds (which don’t have value for the human being, but for the ecosystem that can assimilate them). Blood then passes to the kidneys, where is filtered the surplus of organic water and not absorbed elements (still usable) due to excess of nutritious, as well as globulins, urea, enzymes, vitamins, etc. that the body doesn’t need in that moment or that due to some land pathology, it cannot assimilate. 
To explain better this, I will take as example a classic illness: hepatitis. During it, bile that usually passes to intestine for the digestion of fats and proteins, doesn’t came to it and  filters in blood (it causes weakness, vomits, and yellowish color). It pass to the kidneys where completing the cycle of hidroelectric balance is eliminated through urine. This bile hasn´t completed its function, but if we follow the principle of the vital cycles that we have observed in nature and we feedback with sterl internal marine evironment (recently excreted urine), then  that bile can take advantage and if the cause of the hepatitis is viral (most of cases), excreted urine (internal evironment) has stimulating effect of immunologic system, due to the presence of antigens and antibodies.  
Internal evironment and seawater complete same functions. For that reason I call them  marine evironments. Their physiologic identity determines function of the first one with the cells and of the second one with microorganisms of sea; both in the maintenance of the conditions appropriate for life.

Both act in three levels of specific therapeutic action and three non specific. First are:
1.- La recarga hidroelectrolítica. – Esta acción afecta directamente a los problemas de nutrición, de asimilación y de eliminación. Permite asegurar un tratamiento hidro-electrolítico en las patologías agudas y también regular las patologías crónicas graves con carencias y desmineralización.

1.- Hidroelectrolytic recharge and pH regulation:- Directly affects nutrition, asmilation and elimination patologies.
2.-     Functional Enzymatic balance
3.-     Cellular regeneration and genetic memory

It could be researched at:
DEVLIN, Thomas M. -Bioquímica.
GUYTON, A. -Tratado de Fisiología Médica- Interamericana S.A.
GANONG, W -Fisiología Medica- Ed. Manual Moderno.
J.A.F. TRESGUERRES -Fisiología Humana- Mc Graw Hill
THOMPSON -Genética Medica- Salvat.
VELASQUEZ GARCIA, J. -Fisiología de la Sangre y del Sistema Inmunológico.
QUINTON, René – L’eau de Mer milieu organique 
QUINTON, René et SIMON, Dr. Robert -Seawater – injected subcutaneously in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.
JARRICOT, Dr. Jean – Le dispensaire Marin 
MAHÉ A. -El plasma de Quinton. El agua de mar nuestro medio interno- Icaria editorial.
GUYTON, A 2001 – Tratado de Fisiología Médica.
BERNARD, Cl. -El medio interno
FROMM, E. -El Miedo a la Libertad- Planeta-De Agostini.
MORRIS, D. -El Zoo Humano- Plaza & Janes S.A.
LAUTURE, H., G. MBAKOB -A Therapy of the Future
IVANOFF, A. – Introduction to Oceanography,
PISCHINGER, A.- El sistema de regulación básica
PASSEBECQ, A.; SOULIER, J.- Human Plasma and Marine Plasma 
PAYA, M.- Hypertonic Seawater and Training of Athletes.
ARMSTRONG, J –El agua de vida.
VAN DER KROON –La fuente Dorada de la Salud- Arkano books
SEGUÍN C.A. -Medicina Folklórica. Shamanes y curanderos.

Posted by: Manuel Palacios V. Ti´kara | July 16, 2008


(By Manuel Palacios, From his book: “70%. Therapeutic use of the internal and external sea”)

Sea hides, disseminated in the breast of its waters, thousands of millions of tons of approximately 77 chemical elements: chlorine, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, aluminum, iodine, copper, zinc, mercury, gold, phosphates and many other . At current time, three main minerals that are extracted in profitable way from the sea are salt (only product that man obtains in big quantities); magnesium (together with its compounds), and bromine.

The existence of different salts dissolved in sea water is due that during thousands millions of years, rivers constantly have transported substances coming from erosion(rains), until ocean .        

Salt concentration stays more or less constant although glide waters contribute annually with  400 million tons of solid substances besides that, when evaporating ocean water, this passes to  atmosphere in form of distilled water leaving salts.Concentration changes that could happen by these phenomenons are very small (is difficult that man can perceive them)

Sea water is compound by 96.5 percent of water and 3.5 percent of dissolved salts; on average it contains 35 grams of salts per liter,(It has 35 parts per thousand (35,000)), although this proportion varies according to areas of the planet being the half term from 27 to 33 parts per thousand; i.e.Baltic Sea has great quantity of sweet water, it salinity is from zero to two parts per thousand (it´s reallly a big lake), while Red and Dead Sea reach more than 40 parts;  Mediterranean Sea presents the average from 37 to 39 and some arctic seas from 30 to 33 parts per thousand.

Main chemical elements in sea are: chlorine, sodium, carbon, sulfur, calcium, potassium and magnesium. These elements are associate among them forming very varied combinations: i.e:  carbon forms carbonates and bicarbonates, sulfur forms sulfates, chlorine is presented in form of chlorides. Among all these substances dissolved in sea water, sodium chloride is the most abundant and represent 80 percent of salts that compose this water.
Also, in ocean are disolved all gases that are in the tmosphere like nitrogen, oxygen, carbonic dioxide and strange gases distributed in variable quantities depending of physical characteristics, mainly temperature and salinity that determine their concentration of them in the water from the surface when establishing a balance with the atmosphere and when controlling the solubility of these gases.  
Metabolic action of organisms that live in sea influences in changes of concentration of gases dissolved in water. Oxygen have big importance in these biological processes, and for that reason, it the most studied. Carbonic dioxide is also important in these processes, on the other hand the nitrogen is seemingly inert.
