Posted by: Manuel Palacios V. Ti´kara | July 16, 2008

Principles of Action (Extract)

Therapeutic application of external marine evironment(diluted seawater) like as intern one (filtrated plasm -urine), is based on natural cycles principle that indicates ecosystem different mechanisms regulators exist in different levels, and these mechanisms (that are more or less complexes depending on the organism) as the electrolytic regulation, pH regulation and crossing of exchanges have as purpose evironment  in good conditions and feedback with information.

Let us take as example plants. They fall their fruits, not because They don’t need them but because to complete cycle they should do it, likewise loose their leaves and these when falling break down in original substances or they transmute in others that can be absorbed. Cycle of water is another good example, and the resulting of this cycle makes possible that water captures light and electromagnetic energy and like Pasebecq writes, it maintains a constant exchange among the CO2 atmospheric and the CO2 dissolved in the seawater or in form of carbonic and bicarbonics anions.  Other example are Purifying mechanisms of marine ecosystem.  
In human being the most important vital cycle at physical level is sanguine circulation. If we summarize it: heart pumps blood for the body (through arteries) that transports oxygen and nutritious elements, it passes to liver that eliminates toxic substances that are stored or secreted by the GLAND BLADDER and they  pass in form of residual bile to intestinal tract and after the process here carried out, they are discarded in form of fecal grounds (which don’t have value for the human being, but for the ecosystem that can assimilate them). Blood then passes to the kidneys, where is filtered the surplus of organic water and not absorbed elements (still usable) due to excess of nutritious, as well as globulins, urea, enzymes, vitamins, etc. that the body doesn’t need in that moment or that due to some land pathology, it cannot assimilate. 
To explain better this, I will take as example a classic illness: hepatitis. During it, bile that usually passes to intestine for the digestion of fats and proteins, doesn’t came to it and  filters in blood (it causes weakness, vomits, and yellowish color). It pass to the kidneys where completing the cycle of hidroelectric balance is eliminated through urine. This bile hasn´t completed its function, but if we follow the principle of the vital cycles that we have observed in nature and we feedback with sterl internal marine evironment (recently excreted urine), then  that bile can take advantage and if the cause of the hepatitis is viral (most of cases), excreted urine (internal evironment) has stimulating effect of immunologic system, due to the presence of antigens and antibodies.  
Internal evironment and seawater complete same functions. For that reason I call them  marine evironments. Their physiologic identity determines function of the first one with the cells and of the second one with microorganisms of sea; both in the maintenance of the conditions appropriate for life.

Both act in three levels of specific therapeutic action and three non specific. First are:
1.- La recarga hidroelectrolítica. – Esta acción afecta directamente a los problemas de nutrición, de asimilación y de eliminación. Permite asegurar un tratamiento hidro-electrolítico en las patologías agudas y también regular las patologías crónicas graves con carencias y desmineralización.

1.- Hidroelectrolytic recharge and pH regulation:- Directly affects nutrition, asmilation and elimination patologies.
2.-     Functional Enzymatic balance
3.-     Cellular regeneration and genetic memory

It could be researched at:
DEVLIN, Thomas M. -Bioquímica.
GUYTON, A. -Tratado de Fisiología Médica- Interamericana S.A.
GANONG, W -Fisiología Medica- Ed. Manual Moderno.
J.A.F. TRESGUERRES -Fisiología Humana- Mc Graw Hill
THOMPSON -Genética Medica- Salvat.
VELASQUEZ GARCIA, J. -Fisiología de la Sangre y del Sistema Inmunológico.
QUINTON, René – L’eau de Mer milieu organique 
QUINTON, René et SIMON, Dr. Robert -Seawater – injected subcutaneously in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.
JARRICOT, Dr. Jean – Le dispensaire Marin 
MAHÉ A. -El plasma de Quinton. El agua de mar nuestro medio interno- Icaria editorial.
GUYTON, A 2001 – Tratado de Fisiología Médica.
BERNARD, Cl. -El medio interno
FROMM, E. -El Miedo a la Libertad- Planeta-De Agostini.
MORRIS, D. -El Zoo Humano- Plaza & Janes S.A.
LAUTURE, H., G. MBAKOB -A Therapy of the Future
IVANOFF, A. – Introduction to Oceanography,
PISCHINGER, A.- El sistema de regulación básica
PASSEBECQ, A.; SOULIER, J.- Human Plasma and Marine Plasma 
PAYA, M.- Hypertonic Seawater and Training of Athletes.
ARMSTRONG, J –El agua de vida.
VAN DER KROON –La fuente Dorada de la Salud- Arkano books
SEGUÍN C.A. -Medicina Folklórica. Shamanes y curanderos.

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